Inventory of Plants For Bees

Before the bees bred, prospective beekeepers need to make observations of plants and inventory in advance. He must hold exploration acreage throughout the 2-3 km radius. data that must be recorded include species, age, number, broad, flowering time, the spread, the source of clean water, and the natural enemies of bees.
The collected data is processed, the results are mapped. Thus, the overall picture can be obtained on the condition of flowering plants in the area to determine the exact place as the center of apiculture.
The following types of plants that can be used as a source of feed bees.
1. Forest plants
 2. Overlapping plant or Karang Kitri Sari
 3. Plants Fruits
 D. Plants Frequently Visited Bees
The types of plants or plants in the country frequented by bees is fennel, albasia, apples, sugar, acids, scale, bligo, starfruit, daisies, sunflowers, Cerme, pomegranate, corn, guava, guava, guava bol , jengkol, jukut lamuran, jukut riut, peanuts, kapok, rubber, soybeans, longan, moringa, basil, wedding flowers, yellow, amethyst, kesambi, coriander, coffee, lamtoro, lychee, passion fruit, mundu, NamNam, pineapple, oleander, the aring, rice, nutmeg, ari girlfriend, paci-paci, banana banana, rambutan, Rengas, sago, barking, greetings, kecik sapodilla, sapodilla manila, watermelon, sembung, soursop, tobacco, tea, cucumber, hibiscus, sesame, and carrots.

E. Typical flower honey
Quality of honey depends on the flowers honey producers. Judging from the types of flowers the bees are a source of food, there are several types of flower honey. Honey sembung, derived from Vernonia arvborea sembung interest. Honey brown, thick, petrified quickly (there are lumps in the sugar) and can be stored longer. Honey or kapok kapok (Ceiba pentandra), yellow-brown, rather thick, quite tasty, and can be stored longer. Java kapok honey season lasts from May to late July. Of the total production of honey collected by beekeepers East Java, 75% is contributed by kapok flower honey Honey durian (Durio zibethimus), yellow, watery, and sometimes it feels a bit bitter. Honey orange (Citrus sp.), Yellow, watery, and sometimes it feels a bit bitter. Honey coffee (Coffea sp.), Dark red, watery, and it tastes good, and can be retained for long. Honey dadap (Erythria sp.), Colored dark red, watery, and the taste. Honey coconut (Cocos nucifera) and palm (Arenga piñata), dark brown, watery, and it was a bit sour. This honey bercendawan fast decay if stored in damp places. This fungus can be reduced if pre-recorded, honey preheated at a temperature between 55-60oC for eight hours. eucalyptus honey, produced in Australia in the natural forests of eucalyptus. The plant is a good honey producers because of high nectar sugar content. Pollen is a protein source for bees, which affect the level of culture and the life of bees. Honey forest, usually derived from the types of flowers such as sembung and kesambi. Honey yellow color, somewhat thick, and taste good.
F. Depending Management
The extent of the honey crop is highly dependent on the management and the number of plants that honey contains a lot of interest around the center of beekeeping.In KUD Stone has 625 colonies of bees, honey outcome could reach 25 tons. The new number is 75% from the target of 33 tons per year. The average honey production is measure 40 KUD Stone kg per stup per year. This production is much higher than average, ratan produsi other beekeepers are only about 14-20 kg per stup, even with only 8 kg per stup.Readiness factor in harvest honey bees determine the amount of production, but this is often overlooked breeder. Readiness bee colonies supported by a number of worker bees in a stup. Bee colonies in order to be better prepared, the less productive the queen bee needs to be replaced and feed supply enough reserves available. If this important step is done, the risk of failure will be reduced honey crop.Beekeepers in the area that has plants that bloom throughout the year or any kind of flowering in turn, potentially as a honey-producing areas are ongoing throughout the year. Examples of this region is the coffee or cotton plantation adjacent to the oil, or coffee or cotton plantations adjacent to forests. In coconut plantations or areas close to forests, bees can get food in sufficient quantities throughout the year. Beekeepers here does not need to be moved somewhere to develop bees. Honey harvest takes place during the spring of cotton or coffeeHoney can be made into a viscous liquid with the store for two weeks in the lime life near atu drying sema week in the panic that dried in the sun. Honey stored in airtight containers to prevent acidity


Penyerbukaan is pollen transfer events from the stamens to the stigma of a flower is to produce seeds that will be candidates for new plants. Events that could occur through wind or insects to help pollinate.Bees are one of the important pollinating insects intermediaries. When bees alighting on a flower, pollen stuck all over his hairy body. When bees visit other flowers, some falling pollen and pollinate flowers on plants recently visited it.Honey bee breeding business success is largely determined by the accuracy of determining the location of the farm in a place that is rich in plant food source for bees. In addition, the density of bee plant food resources also determine the volume of production. A honey bee colony requires a minimum of about one acre bee feed resources.When dense flowering plants, bees will fly back and forth busy gathering nectar and pollen of flowers. Serngga it will try to collect and fill stomachs with honey nectar. Upon arriving at the nest, all contents poured, processed, and stored as a backup feed.A. Sources Feed BeesAll kinds of flowering plants (plants of forest, agricultural crops, plantation crops, horticultural crops, and wild plants) that contain elements of nectar as an ingredient of honey, pollen, and propolis can be used as a source of feed bees. To develop the beekeeping industry, farmers are required to have knowledge about the types of plants visited by many bees.In areas where rainfall is high enough there are many types of flowering plants continuously throughout the year. Worse, in a very rich source of this flower bee honey does not have the instinct to hoard food supplies. As a result, the production of honey is less satisfactory. Only the forest bee Apis dorsata capable backup feed menimbung (honey) in large quantities.In the area of ​​real dry season, the honey bee has the instinct to hoard supplies as drought in the dry season. In the area of ​​Yucatan (Mexico), a dry climate, per bee colonies maintained an average yield of 140 kg of honey per year.
B. Good Flowering PlantsPembudidayakan honey bees need pollen and nectar in sufficient quantity and available continuously throughout the year. However, not all plants produce nectar, pollen, or nectar and pollen constantly. Therefore, in the honey bee pembudidayakan known plant source of the nectar and pollen major, another source of nectar and pollen sources of support.The main source of nectar and pollen from plants kapok (Ceiba petandra) which locations are spread in Java in Batang, Kendal, Jepara and Pati (Central Java), as well as Pasuruan and Banyuwangi (East Java). Flowering season ranges from June to August. Another source of nectar and December include rubber, coffee, longan, durian, and rambutan.Month from January to May, grazing honeybee pollen source location support, namely corn. At that time additional food in the form of sugar syrup is needed to replace the nectar is not available in the field.Agricultural crops such as soybeans, peppers, cabbage, beans, onions, apples, and mangoes are also a source of feed bees. Unfortunately, relatively very short flowering season.Combination kaliandra plant (Calliandra callotyrsus) with coconut (Cocos nucife) or kaliandra with various shrub can be used for apiary Apis indica that is settled. The combination of plants that can provide continuous feed bees throughout the year.Flowering plants good for bees feed source must meet the following requirements. flowers that contain nectar and pollen easily taken in by bees. The plants were available in large quantities, close to the center lebh maintenance within 2-3 km radius to be afforded by the flying bees. The plant has a flowering season rotation, so the flowering season is expected to take place throughout the year.

Some diseases Adverse Ranch Honey Bees

Diseased bees become weak due to illness. They flew lazy to leave the nest in search of food. Bees are more fond of ill-togethers gathered near the exit hole or a walk with the feet dragged among healthy bees.
1. dysentery
Dysentery are common during cold weather and lots of rain, especially in bee colonies fed sugar is too watery fluid. Diseased bees become lazy, enlarged belly, not much to fly out, feces are not disposed to the outside of the cage. At the base of the cage was collected feces foul smelling liquid. The diseases can be avoided by feeding either thick honey and keep the nest boxes and the surrounding environment.

 2. Eraman Stone Disease
This disease attacks the bee larva. Grubs are infected become hard as a rock. The cause is the fungus Aspergillus flavus. Eradication carried out with formaldehyde vapor being sprayed into the nest.
3. Eraman disease Pouch
Diseased bee larva looks like a bubble-filled sac filled with water. Color to yellow to black. Her skin was rough. Cause of this disease is a viral disease of unknown name is rarely cause outbreaks. Diseases that arise will disappear by itself as long as it is clean and dry honeycomb

Some Other Pests Harmful Ranch Honey Bees

1. AntThe presence of a bee hive honey ants can harm production because they feed on honey, grubs, wax, and the remnants of feed bees. Ants also prey on bees are already dead. Ants on a bee colony disorders that often lead young wild bee colonies and fled the nest.Type ant bully bees in Southeast Asia between Monomorium phaonis, Oecophulla smaragdina, crematogaster dohrui, Prenolepis vividula, Diacamma rugosum.Ant disorder that can be prevented by keeping the base boards bee cage or box, review the table leg with a bee box vasilen place, or put your feet into the water tin. The water in the cans should not be toxic ant killer because there are also bees often come to drink the water.
2. Wax MothWax moth Galleria mellonella very dangerous bee colonies are still small. These insects lay their eggs in the nests of bees. Newly hatched larvae immediately make a bee hive hole and stay in it for a pupa. In the honeycomb, wax moth pupa covered by a tangle of fine threads.Insects make a great wax moth honeycomb filled with threads. As a result, a wild bee colonies and busy to leave the nest. The pests also damage the wax deposits in the shed.Wax moth pests can be prevented by regularly checking the beehive state. If it is too small bee colony, bee hive is reduced. The honeycomb wax moth infestations have to be cut and burned in order hamanya destroyed. Butterfly moth wax contained in the honey bee hive also arrested and killed. Which are outside the nest captured using light traps at night.
3. SpotDisruption Dapa lizard makes a wild honeybees. Sometimes lebha catch lizards like to eat honey. Disruption will be more damaging if the lizard managed to get into the nest box. There lizard will eat grubs and damage the honeycomb. Lizard pests can be prevented dengna good guard against lest nest box into it.
4. CockroachDisruption cockroaches or cockroach can make bees go wild and destructive wax in the hive. This pest can be overcome with good preservation of the bee box, so do not let the pests get into it.
5. WaspEndas hornet or wasp (Vespa sp.) Is very dangerous to honey farms in mountainous areas. He likes robbing honey bees were brought up in the face after a nest box or perch are still dibunga. The disorder can be overcome by catching wasps are on the face and around the box of bees, or wasps nests are burning near the apiary.
6. Birds Predators InsectsBirds of prey insects, such as swallows, likes to catch bees in flight. To overcome this bird attack, should place far from home beekeeping swallow or habitat fellow birds of prey insects.


A. Parasite infestation Honey Bees

Parasitic infestation of honey bee parasite Varroa jacobsoni is most serious for livestock honeybees worldwide. This disorder can lead to infestation of crop failure and destruction honey bee colonies.Varroa infestation was first discovered as a child parasitic bees in colonies of Apis cerana in Java in 1904. Symptoms of the new colony destruction seen after attack infestation Apis mellifera bees were imported from abroad.
Female fleas suck the blood of larvae, pupae, and adult honey bees. Body weight of the infected bee Varroa shrunk from 6.3 to 25%. In severe attacks, honeybees have disabilities or stunted body. In the pupa, the infection results in weight loss by 10% and death.
Weakening bee colonies due to pests Varroa make the honey to be greatly reduced. Finally, can destroy beekeeping business.Adult female Varroa infestation reddish-brown, oval-shaped flat, has a length of 0.11 cm and 0.07 cm wide. Leads next eight legs like a crab and hidden under his body. Varroa infestation and young males are smaller whitish. Fleas are rarely seen, unless we're pupal cells.Varroa reproduction process occurs in the honeycomb cells. Drone pupa cell preferably of the Varroa bee worker cells. Female flea larvae enter the cells of bees around 15-20 hours before the cell is closed. The first time you log in to the base of the cell and immerse themselves into the larvae feed by simply letting the respiratory tract that resembles an open finger out. About four hours after the cells were closed, Varroa is free of pile of feed as larvae feeding activity. He began to suck the blood of puppies bees. Two days later, fleas begin laying eggs at intervals of every 24-30 hours. Eggs were first out will be females, the latter being manly.Varroa able to spawn as many as five points in the cell while the bee pupa. Only the first two eggs that could hatch into lice in the pupal cell of workers. If the cell is in the male pupa, five eggs that can develop into adults. It could even be found to thirteen fleas in the pupa of the male cells.Obtain eggs that hatch feed by sucking the blood of bee larvae and pupae. After shedding its skin, it's become adult lice infestation. Male ticks of 5-6 days for future growth, while the female louse takes 7-8 days.Only the female flea can get out of the cell along with the emergence of adult bees. Fleas are stuck between abdominal segments, so that he can suck on the blood of the membrane. Male ticks short-lived. He spent time in the cell. Mouth parts are turned into a tool for transferring sperm. As an adult fleas she could not eat.Spread through direct contact between the Varroa bee mite carrier and other bee colonies, or from other colonies. Antarlebah contacts in the colony is very intensive, so the process is very rapid spread of lice. Lice transfer from one colony to another colony of bees carrying mostly occurs due to infestation strayed into another colony, or there was a robbery feed colonies affected by Varroa colony to a healthy or otherwise. Predator bees and flowers feed bees can also act as an agent spreader Varroa mite, because fleas can survive in both. Such as migratory activities (grazing), nest exchange, and giving the queen also has a big hand in the spread of this infestation. In fact, even the possibility Apiari equipment can help spread because these fleas can live outside the body of the bee for 8-17 hours.Presence of Varroa mite attacks the honey bee can be identified by detecting lice die, worker bees detect, and detect cell pupa. Detect dead ticks can be done by putting a white paper under the nest box. Observe the dirt that falls on it carefully and regularly. If colonies of bees attacked, definitely found the Varroa mite is dead.Detecting worker bees can be done by taking a worker bee from the hive. Enter the bees into a glass enclosed, give ether to taste. Will cause the following Ehter Varroa bee anesthetized. Varroa bee will regardless of the victim. Ether is sprayed onto the glass will make the glasses damp, and fleas seen sticking so easily seen. Lebha sample in the glass was given ethanol. Following the existing bee lice will die. Lebh move into another glass, give water to cover. Shake vigorously in order to release it from the bee infestation. Take bees, observe water soaked separately see Varroa.Performed with cells detect pupa pupa uncapped cells. Take carefully larvae or pupae in it with pinser, then place it on top of the white paper. Observe Varroa attached to the larvae or pupae and inside the cell.Varroa mite control can be carried out in abundance and biological chemistry. Both can be done simultaneously or in an integrated manner. Chemically Pangendalian can use anti-Varroa medicine, for example Folbern VA, Thymol, Taktic, and Apistan.VA Folbex bromopropylate containing the active ingredient, available in strips. One strip is given into a box full of bees that nest. Proper drug administration pad afternoon, when all members of the colony was returned to the nest. Pit door closed for an hour after the strip is given.Thymol is given in the form of powder scattered on the basis of the nest box. Doses of 4500-6000 mg for one colony to use as many as three times. Administration in the evening.Taktic active ingredient Amitraz 12.5%. For a bee colony is 1 ml dose is dissolved in 10 liters of water. Solution is sprayed onto the bees, hive carcass, and wall boxes. For a bee colony, the solution is sprayed about 80 ml. Amitraz effectively shutting eggs. Do not spray directly into the nest containing eggs or larvae of bees many new ones coming out.Apistan active ingredient fluvalinate. This drug is packaged in strips. Use is the same as Folbex VA, one colony can be given 1-2 strips.Biological control is done by wiping the affected anakn nest. If it is done fairly heavy attacks. This nest is destroyed due to the Varroa bee puppies need to be able to breed. Destruction is going to kill a large number of ticks that are proliferating in the cell. Furthermore, the queen bee shut for 21-28 days, so that tiller production stopped, and so did not have a chance to produce Varroa.Biological control can also be done by making a nest consisting of male cells. It can be made with a specially printed nest foundation for the production of drones. Because more like larvae or pupae drones, these mites will choose it as a breeding ground. Once the cell is closed, the nest is taken to be destroyed.Another way is to trap nest. Queen made in order to spawn only in one frame hive queen by placing insulation on both sides of the trap nest. Varroa will be attracted to the nest because they have no other choice. Once the cell is closed, the nest is taken to be destroyed.


 Selain nektar dan tepung sari, lebah pekerja juga rajin mengumpulkan bahan berupa cairan lengket dari pepohonan dan kuncup bunga berbagai tanaman. Bahan ini bukan bahan pakan, tetapi bahan bangunan yang disebut lem lebah atau propolis.
Propolis adalah bahan yang dikumpulkan lebah dari tanaman, yang dibawa kesarang dalam bakul sarinya. Kemudian lebah mencampurnya dengan lilin. Bahan itu dipakai sebagai bahan perekat sarang karena sifatnya lentur, lekat, dan kuat. Selain itu, dalam jumlah kecil, bahan itu digunakan untuk membangun indung madu supaya dapat menambah kekuatannya.
Propolis berupa bahan padat berwarna cokelat atau kuning kemarah-merahan. Baunya khas. Bahan itu banyak mengandung senyawa organik, diantara yang terbanyak adalah resin atau damar (45-50%), malam (20-25%), minyak yang mudah menguap (10%), dan mineral (1,5-2%).
Dalam dunia pengobatan, propolis dapat digunakan untuk mengobati saluran pernapasan dan paru-paru karena mempunyai sifat antibakteri. Selain itu, dalam dunia industri, dapat dipakai untuk bahan plester dan lak.

B.     Beevenon

Sengat lebah adalah suatu bentuk perubahan dari alat pengantar telur. Semula merupakan alat untuk melekatkan telur, kemudian berubah menjadi alat untuk menusuk dan memasukkan bisa kekorbannya. Sengat itu digunakan oleh lebah madu untuk menghalau pengganggu-ganggu sarangnya. Sengatnya dapat menimbulkan rasa sakit, kemudian bengkak, karena pengaruh racunnya.
Orang yang disengat 450-500 ekor lebah dapat mati sebab terjadi paralisa pernapasan. Akan tetapi, sengatnya dalam jumlah tertentu dapat menyembuhkan beberapa penyakit karena racunnya mengandung bahan-bahan yang digunakan untuk pengobatan.
Racun lebah alias beevenon memiliki daya guna yang cukup efektif untuk mengobati rematik, neuritis, asma, hipertoni, poliarthritis, dan sakit kepala karena gangguan syaraf


Pollen is the flower pollen. This feed contains all the elements necessary for plant and animal life. The content of vitamins, enzymes, and hormones high.
Pollen is a fine material like powder contained at the end of flower stamens. The color is yellowish. Bees get it while looking for nectar in flowers. By bees, pollen was cleared with his feet, and then stored in the 'basket' special for pollen.Search results were then taken back to the nest. In the hive, pollen is placed in a storage cell by pressing her head wear. Pollen stored near the bee larvae, so it is easily available at any feed the larvae. Larvae that spent most of this pollen supplies.Pollen for bees is like meat, fish, eggs, and other similar food for humans that all provide protein substances, which are necessary nutrients to build muscle and flesh in the body of the bee.The bee's body, covered with fur, feathers and feet were full of thorns little smoother. When insects visit flowers and flower leaned in, touching his fur dna swipe anthers. As a result, flower pollen that bees were seized with attached body.
1. Pollen collection
Pollen that sticks to the body are collected by a pair of front legs which are also hairy, then transferred to the middle leg, and finally to the back foot. At the back of the calf of the leg there are indentations called 'pollen basket'. In the pollen basket pollen is collected to be transported back to the nest. When fully charged, it can load the basket pollen as much as 20 times the weight of the body of the bee. With the load speed bees fly STAYED one kilometer per three minutes.In the middle distance there are some subtle delicate spines are used to remove clot stored pollen in the pollen basket. Clumps of pollen stored in the warehouse supplies contained in the hive.
2. Pollen Benefits
For bees, pollen and honey is an important food source. A mixture of honey and pollen is called "bee bread '. The material is used as a staple food for rearing bee larvae.Young larvae are not directly fed with pollen. Worker bees use the pollen to make a special feed of the glands in the head. Bees give the larvae a mixture of honey and pollen, which is called "bee bread '. Feed it be eaten and digested larvae.Pollen is the only source of protein for the bees naturally available. The influence of feed rate and lifetime breeding bees.Pollen protein content of less than 20% can not meet the needs of the colony to produce optimally. Strong colonies require pollen sebanya 55 kg per year. If persediaanya less than that, the bees will use his body to continue functioning protein so that the protein content of the body can be decreased from 54% to 27%.At the protein level of 27%, the growth of colonies of bees will stop, unless there is added sugar. Unfortunately, there is no substitute for long-term pollen are effective and economical.Combination with human pollen can be used to treat hypertonic because it contains vitamins A, B, C, and P are high. He also useful for preventing cerebral hemorrhage, protect the lining of the eye, and protects the lining of the heart.In komestika industry, pollen mixture used for the manufacture of creams because it is very useful to prevent damage to the skin, especially for women

Bees wax

Beeswax is produced by worker bees age of 12 days or more, while worker bees wax glands located between segments 4th and 7th on the surface that growing abdomen. Normally, the wax glands develop fully on the 15th day after the bees emerge from the cocoon.
To be able to produce wax, which is in charge of worker bees make honey lily first drink and eat as much flour sar. Then they hung, holding each other, the hind legs holding a bee in his hind legs, and then he hung silent and huddled in the comb. After doing so for some time, from wax glands (next to the chest vertebrae third, fourth, and fifth) wax out of the bottom of the abdomen. Candles are issued in a liquid state, then coagulated into small pieces.
Wax glands shrink and become dysfunctional between day 20 and day 25 after the worker bees emerge from the cocoon or roughly after the worker bees are ready to switch tasks in the field of feed search
 1. Cells Nest Building Materials
According to estimates of experts, to obtain 1 kg of wax required 12 kg of nectar atu 4 kg of honey. Candles formed through chemical processes in the body, and then removed through the wax glands are found on the abdominal segments.With the hind legs are hairy, bees wax thrusting it into his mouth to be chewed and formed into a sort of dough. Once formed, then put in the jaw with a nest to build cell walls. Furthermore, the other worker bees to strengthen the walls by using propolis.Nest cell is divided into two parts. The upper part is used to save the feed materials and building materials, the cell bottom to hatch eggs.If the hive is opened outward strokes, there are new cells are white in color because new is completed, which is still empty, which already contains eggs or larvae, and already closed.
2. Benefits Bees Wax
Beeswax can be harvested from a beehive or a honey that has been separated from the nest is empty. Original beeswax can be known easily. Colors vary candles, white, yellow, or orange cleaner. Candles were fragile when cold. At a temperature of 85oF situation is soft, but not inherent in the hand when massaged. Distinctive smells, scented plants.First quality beeswax obtained from beehives that are new, that has not been filled with honey or pollen by its inhabitants. White candle. Uptake does not require centrifugation because there is no honey or pollen.The second quality beeswax derived from the pre-filled honeycomb honey. The nest is pressed immediately after mess around with presses to remove the remnants of honey that is left behind.Benefits of beeswax is for batik material, lights candles, cosmetics, cream (cold cream), lipstick, and a variety of lotions. In the pharmaceutical industry, beeswax is used for the manufacture of plaster or cloth napkins, outside medicine, a mixture of materials waterproof or water proof, mix ink, pencil mix, mixed polish, and substance pengilat.Beeswax contains organic compounds saturated and unsaturated hydrocarbons, saturated fatty acids and unsaturated, esters and alcohols monoaster, cholesterol, and certain minerals in small amounts.

Royal Jelly

Royal jelly or nectar is a white liquid like milk, a little sour, smells a bit sharp, and somewhat bitter. Royal jelly is produced by worker bees young age of 4-7 days. Hypopharynx gland fluid is produced with the help of the salivary glands located in the head. The raw material is plant pollen.Royal jelly or nectar aka Dairy Queen is the daily feed the queen bee. Throughout his life queen bees eat royal jelly. Royal jelly is also given to every newly born bees during the first two days.

1. Nutrition Royal Jelly
Nutrient content in the form of royal jelly 45% protein, 13% fat, 20% sugar, mineral salts, various vitamins, (B-complex, H, and E). In addition, royal jelly also contains digestive enzymes, hormones which can stimulate gonadotropin reproductive queens and cooking eggs; antibotika germisidin which can prevent the growth of microorganisms such as fungi and bacteria Staphylococcus Stapbylacoccus, mycrobacterium tuberculosis, Esberiricia coli, Bacillus eberth.Vitamin H or biotin royal jelly that contained function in regulating fat and protein, expedite the process of assimilation, reactivate the body's glands are not able to work normally, and relieve fatigue.
2. Efficacy of Royal Jelly
Allegedly royal jelly have unique properties for sexual activity, which can increase the sexual power and fertilize Peranakan. This dikaitka with durability strong queen bee when mating with drones, and the ability to produce eggs that sangkat numerous.According to M. Haydale, royal jelly contains 45.15% protein consisting of essential amino acids 13.55% fat, 20.39% glucose and levulose.1939 Henry L. found in royal jelly gonadotropin hormone after experimenting with injecting the mice to find out her ovaries.Everyone simply use 1 gram of royal jelly every day. It works to maintain a healthy weight, keeping a normal body growth, increase the power of thinking, relieve bone pain, invigorate the function of the body that does not work another, and kill bacteria.Every day a worker bee royal jelly can collect as much as 0.13 UG (1 UG = 1/1.000 mg). number of worker bees in a hive colony in the tens of thousands. Of each colony can be collected an average of 6.5 mg of royal jelly produced approximately 50,000 adult worker bees

Honey storage

Honey should not be stored in metal containers to prevent absorption of chemical reactions and harmful metals. Storage is in the best honey in a glass container or plastic bottles.
Honey stored in the room, in the first year and a 3.6% decrease in the second year 25.5% shrinkage due to the fermentation process. This process produces alcohol, then turns into acetic acid. Honey that has been damaged acidic taste. Honey stored in low temperatures can be durable, but can be damaged if it is brewed.
Drink honey regularly can regulate the operation of the colon and excellent for the liver. Honey is beneficial for lung health and can cure diseases grastitis, the wounds in the stomach and intestines two fingers. Drink honey regularly is also useful to normalize blood composition, heightening levels of hemoglobin and cardiovascular sisiem intensified.