Beeswax is produced by worker bees age of 12 days or more, while worker bees wax glands located between segments 4th and 7th on the surface that growing abdomen. Normally, the wax glands develop fully on the 15th day after the bees emerge from the cocoon.
To be able to produce wax, which is in charge of worker bees make honey lily first drink and eat as much flour sar. Then they hung, holding each other, the hind legs holding a bee in his hind legs, and then he hung silent and huddled in the comb. After doing so for some time, from wax glands (next to the chest vertebrae third, fourth, and fifth) wax out of the bottom of the abdomen. Candles are issued in a liquid state, then coagulated into small pieces.
Wax glands shrink and become dysfunctional between day 20 and day 25 after the worker bees emerge from the cocoon or roughly after the worker bees are ready to switch tasks in the field of feed search
1. Cells Nest Building Materials
According to estimates of experts, to obtain 1 kg of wax required 12 kg of nectar atu 4 kg of honey. Candles formed through chemical processes in the body, and then removed through the wax glands are found on the abdominal segments.With the hind legs are hairy, bees wax thrusting it into his mouth to be chewed and formed into a sort of dough. Once formed, then put in the jaw with a nest to build cell walls. Furthermore, the other worker bees to strengthen the walls by using propolis.Nest cell is divided into two parts. The upper part is used to save the feed materials and building materials, the cell bottom to hatch eggs.If the hive is opened outward strokes, there are new cells are white in color because new is completed, which is still empty, which already contains eggs or larvae, and already closed.
2. Benefits Bees Wax
Beeswax can be harvested from a beehive or a honey that has been separated from the nest is empty. Original beeswax can be known easily. Colors vary candles, white, yellow, or orange cleaner. Candles were fragile when cold. At a temperature of 85oF situation is soft, but not inherent in the hand when massaged. Distinctive smells, scented plants.First quality beeswax obtained from beehives that are new, that has not been filled with honey or pollen by its inhabitants. White candle. Uptake does not require centrifugation because there is no honey or pollen.The second quality beeswax derived from the pre-filled honeycomb honey. The nest is pressed immediately after mess around with presses to remove the remnants of honey that is left behind.Benefits of beeswax is for batik material, lights candles, cosmetics, cream (cold cream), lipstick, and a variety of lotions. In the pharmaceutical industry, beeswax is used for the manufacture of plaster or cloth napkins, outside medicine, a mixture of materials waterproof or water proof, mix ink, pencil mix, mixed polish, and substance pengilat.Beeswax contains organic compounds saturated and unsaturated hydrocarbons, saturated fatty acids and unsaturated, esters and alcohols monoaster, cholesterol, and certain minerals in small amounts.
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