of the colony can be reached by replacing the queen bee, the
unification of weak colonies with strong colonies, and the onsite
location of weak colonies with strong colonies. Strengthening colonies can also be achieved by placing crates of bees is 3 km from the starting location. Bee crates (boxes Eraman) 2-3 is filled with full of grubs Eraman frame and one frame hive contains honey. Along the frame also enter the queen bee queen bee kept in confinement. Give artificial feeding syrup and pollen.Try propagation colonies of honey made in the early season and mid-season honey.Once the queen bee who is married settled in one place, making the task of running the worker bees nest. Nest is formed of wax sukresi results contained in the lower abdomen.Honeycomb wax is the town, which was formed from the main material that is reinforced with adhesive wax 'propolis'. Only
bees from 2 to 20 days in charge of building a nest, the worker bees
are still strong and the wax glands are still very productive. Another worker bee propolis task to strengthen the wall.Comprised of honeycomb wax sheets that are divided into several equal parts called hives strokes. Strokes that consists of many chambers called cells. Cells was found on the top and bottom strokes. The cells that form six-sided room (beksagonal) small very neat and steady. Cells form a slight angle, so that their contents can not fall. In the cells of a bee hive shaped tubes that collect worker bees feed the queen and lay their eggs.Cells
that exist in the brushing of the nest is located opposite to each
other, thus forming two layers of cells are coincident. Between the two layers were formed strong thin wall plaster thanks to propolis. Within three days the white form that is composed of 2 cm thick rows. Rows of increasingly large white until it forms a semi-circle building. The semi-circular building is to be occupied nest strokes.Distance between two-strokes honeycomb Apis mellifera average 1-1.2 cm. In the honeycomb Apis indica less than 1 cm. With the wide Jark, worker bees working freely on the surface opposite strokes without-friction rub his back. Similarly, the queen bee, strokes can freely move from one to the other strokes.Each comb shaped nest hanging vertically (perpendicular) to the bottom of the upper part is attached firmly on a flat surface. Construction starts from the top down. After seven days of hard work, rampunglah nesting. Clean white color before occupied nest eggs bees.Cells strokes section above contains honey, pollen, and propolis. The situation there is still an open and closed. Cells
that are part of a closed down strokes contains bee pupae, which has
usually been left open by the worker bees of the newborn. Cells
of the central part mostly tan because it is old age, and cells whose
shape tapering down to use the eggs hatch candidates 'queen' so called
queen cells.Each nest cell contents are not less than 0.25 cc. width 5.16 to 5.50 mm for the outer surface of Apis mellifera and Apis indica to 4-5 mm. This particular size for the worker bee larvae, whereas for the bee larvae and queen bees jantn bigger again.Cell nest already containing eggs immediately filled with honey and pollen by worker bees. Full account after closed thin translucent wax. Cell nests containing eggs drones candidate has closed somewhat prominent, and there are point-titikdi middle.Three days later the eggs hatch into larvae. He remained in the nest cells while eating honey and pollen as food reserves prepared by the worker bees. For three days the larvae eat royal jelly (Dairy Queen) is placed at the base of worker bees nest. After that just eating a mixture of honey and pollen.After a period of six days, the larvae berkepompong. When berkepompong an inactive period. He was not eating and not drinking. This is a period of rest. Stepping on stage is a period of transition, and changes occur in the internal tools.Honey bee cocoon shape similar to adult insects. The average age of candidates berkepompong queen bee 7.5 days; drones 24.5 days, and 12 days of worker bees.If within the nest, there are several candidates for the queen bee, the first hatch and grow up to be the 'queen' new. He will be well cared for by the worker bees. Another candidate unhatched queen will be killed by the new queen candidates with sting

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