
Drones or kings did not work. Characteristic of interest is the large eyes. The eye consists of a facet which is more than eye facets on pakerja bees and queen bees.Small-sized drone bees from the queen bee, but larger than worker bees. Blackish color. Voice loud hum. He does not have to store the pollen baskets of flowers, her lips do not have the suction hose pipe honey. The tail end of the abdomen are not stingless. Calm nature.Generally, drones eggs hatch after 3 days placed in the cell. For 5 days the larvae feed continuously until it turns into a cocoon. After 16 days berkepompong, comes form drones.Age drones only about 3 months. His job is to marry the young queen bee. Birahinya period appeared at the age of 38 days from egg cells inhabit the nest.
1. Occupants of the nest Malas
Nester drones are lazy. Very fond of eating. Eating worker bees fed.Drones hardly ever out of the nest, except during the marriage. In the nest, he served keeping the nest, nest cleaning of dirt, and a few other lightweight tasks.
2. Bees function Males
The main function of the male bees are the queen bee marries candidate. In order to meet these demands, the chest drones equipped with strong muscles and big eyes.Genitals special-shaped drones. His penis is very large trunk. After marriage lasted a few seconds, drones often experience death. He died of a broken stem twisted his penis when squeezed vagina while revoked, or abdomen burst when trying to separate themselves from the queen bee.Only one male bees that could marry the queen bee, and it is sufficient to fertilize about 20 million eggs. After mating, the male bees die of exhaustion.
3. The amount is limited
After mating occurs, the male bees are not chosen to marry the queen bee nest ignored by fellow residents. They are considered no longer useful. When feed scarce because of famine, worker bees nest to throw him out. Drones who can not find the feed will soon be abandoned and starve to death. Trying to get back to the nest to be attacked to death.The life span of male bees can not be measured with the right time, because there are die naturally and there are dead prey predator. Average lifetime ranges from 4-6 weeks from the time adults or between 8-10 weeks of weeks of the eggs hatch into larvae.In a large group of bees, on average there are 200-300 tail drones. The drones were ignored by the queen bee who is married and spawn.In a regular farm, the number of male bees in a colony are often reduced or deliberately discarded in part by the breeder.

Worker bees

After mating is complete, the queen bee will find perch that will be used as a nesting site. The place was such branch or branches of a tree. If the queen bee who is married settled in one place, mualailah duty worker bees make nests.
Worker bee is a bee hive dwellers are most numerous. Actually, the worker bees are female bees that reproductive organs are not perfect or sterile, so can not spawn. Originally from a fertilized egg, but the type of feed that is received when it is still different from the larval form of the received feed the queen bee larvae. Thus, the development was different.
1. Number of Worker Bees
In one hive of honey bees Apis mellifera worker bees are 10000-100000. Even in the wild honey bee hive bee Apis dorsata number of workers can reach millions of birds.
Body size is smaller than the worker bees and the queen bee leah Jatan. Slender body shape. The color is dark brown. Its tail has a straight and barbed sting. With the sting, the worker bees will attack anything that tried to interfere or attempt to enter the nest, but they never attack the queen bee. The life span of the average worker bee is only 30-45 days.
2. Worker Bees function
In the hive, each bee workers perform certain tasks in accordance with age. Activities never ceased during life in the colonies.Once born, a worker bee bee households. His job cleaning an empty chamber in order to be reused.When aged 3-10 days, worker bees in charge of maintaining and feeding larvae. They make a special feed needed for larval development. At this time he called nurse bees.The next task is to build a new booth and fixing the old booths. At this time he was called bees wax. Beeswax candles produced by the glands of worker bees that build nests in charge.A few days later, the worker bees start storing nectar and pollen brought by his friends to supply submarine bad season. At this time called bee bee honey processing. His duty to process nectar into honey, brood honey, and make a mixture of honey with pollen.Further keeping the nest. They guard the nest entrance door, checking anyone trying to get into the nest with its antennae.Bee colony guards let themselves go and banish other insects or bees from other colonies who tried to enter the nest. They get to know fellow members of his group from the nest odor.Bee keeper can remove alarm odor. Then another worker bees immediately menghamburan out to help bee keepers. Sting the enemy attacked with a weapon.Worker bee sting has spines which point backwards. Once stung, the bee will die. When he tried to pull sting, his final segment will be torn, and IAK will bleed to death.Worker bees of the oldest and most agile is a search bees feed. Older than 3 weeks. His job collecting pollen and nectar. Feed bee pollen is the same value as meat and eggs for human beings. Nectar is a rich feeding bees sugar as an energy source.Bees is the one most often seen when flying from one flower to another. If you find the flowers that contain a good source of feed, worker bees dance to tell where the other worker bees. The dance shows the location of the flower to the sun.Worker bees smell the pollen carried by bees dancers touch or tool long antenna. Having landed on the flower, he uses proboscis (a vacuum in the head)-long needle shaped her to suck nectar, which is then stored in the abdomen. When moving in the flower, pollen grains stick to his smooth-haired. He gathered a circle on the back foot and take her back to the nest.Assigned worker bees to feed never get lost if returned to the nest because they have some sort of home appliance smell a very strong sence. The average flight distance of 3-5 km radius of flight or an average of 2 km from the nest.In the nest, she scratched pollen with the middle leg and put it into the pollen chamber. He also spew nectar of crop and give it to another worker bee. If the nectar is given exceeds the need, they will keep the rest in the booth as honey. Chamber was covered with wax.
3. Worker Bee Life Cycle
Umumya worker bee eggs hatch into larvae after 3 days placed in the cell. During the 5 days that the larvae feed continuously until it turns into a cocoon. Berkepompong After 13 days, the young worker bees emerge form fluffy cotton and soft.For ten days later the young worker bees carry on duty the night (candle) to the cell and feeding the larva or young bees are born. After that, he was in charge of storing nectar, pollen treat, correct and build a nest cell, put the honey in the cells, and maintain the security of the nest.Once swift can fly at the age of three weeks, he was on duty outside the nest. Activities of his life began to shift from bee to bee households field. At first terbangnyadi around the nest only to recognize shapes, colors, and the smell of the nest. The next day they began to learn the circumstances surrounding the nest and recognize local feed resources. After a well know, he flew away to explore the source of bee nectar, pollen, and water. How to return to the nest with the distance and learn the opposite direction it has taken.Bees know the direction of his journey to see the location of the sun. If the skies are cloudy and the sun was not visible, they are still able to use the sun as the gaps where the sun directions. The ability to determine the location of the sun behind the clouds owned hive bees because this is very sensitive to ultraviolet light.In the morning, in charge of worker bees to feed from sunrise until around 08.00. then many flowers begin to bloom and put out nectar. On a hot day, flowers produce little nectar that bees find nectar activities seemed deserted. In the afternoon from about 17:00 until menjelanggelap, bees begin another busy collecting nectar and pollen.On the field, the worker bees actively doing his job when the temperature on the number 15oC and 40oC. at temperatures above 32oC many bees feed search task shifted to collecting water to cool the hive.
4. Worker Bees Flying Speed
Worker bees can fly with a speed of 65 miles per hour. They can cover a distance of 46 km. vibration velocity wings 250 times per second. Wing motion is governed by the chest muscles. If a muscle is stretched down, the wings will be stretching upwards. If the muscle is pulled up, wings down.To collect 1 kg of honey, a bee must 90000-180000 time to travel and have visited many flowers before the home nest. If every journey a distance of 3 miles round-trip, he had to cover a distance of 3 x (90000-180000) miles, or at least have to fly as far as seven times the circumference of the earth.
5. Worker bees dance
Bees communicate with other bees using bee dance. With the dance, they convey important findings such as nectar or where a good place to build a nest. Ditarikkan movement bees showed his friends the distance and direction that must be taken. The speed of the dance indicates the number of feed sources.Dances rotate stated that other bees have to look around the nest, at a distance of 100 m. information seekers bees start making a circle in the nest, rotate to the left and to the right. He repeated the dance several times, while the other worker bees follow and touching with antennae.Tail wagging dance indicates that the destination far away, bees than 100 m. The bees make a figure eight in the nest. At first he flew straight as he wiggled his abdomen. Then he made a half-circle on the other side.Straight lines indicate the direction. Number of repetitions keselurahan showed rare form to be taken.
6. End of Life Worker Bees
After 5-6 weeks old field began using bee wings. He began to feel sick when flying. Flight looks started slowly. On a trip last flight, he landed just to the mouth nest. When death is approaching crisis.Bees are already weak field barred from entering the hive by bees guard the hive. He turned to fly away from the nest. He flew to the outdoors, where his death. No one can do anything to him.The lifetime of the worker bees can not be measured with the right time, because there are naturally dead, eaten by predators, and kill each other with bees. Hidupnua period averaging around 4-6 weeks from when adults or between 8-10 weeks from the eggs hatch into larvae.


Honey bees live in colonies. Total population is very tengantung colonies of honey bee species. European honey bee population 10000-100000 superior individuals per colony. Local honey bees 20,000-40,000 individuals per colony. Total population is also highly dependent on the quality and potential of the queen bee. The ability of queen bees lay eggs each are not the same, depending on the strain, queen rearing procedure (maintenance), and the breeding program (breeding).
In honey bee colonies known three castes, the queen bee, drones 200-300, and the rest of the worker bees.
Each 2.5 cm2 nest cells contain five worker bees and drones four cells.
A. Queen bee
Of all the inhabitants of the hive, the queen bee has the greatest shape and weight of most sll below. Size double queen bee worker bee. 2.8 times the body weight of worker bees. Abdomen length. Smooth and curved sting. This sting is only used against another queen bee.
Queen bee immune to all diseases because of feed consumed daily is royal jelly.
1. Queen Bees function
Only one queen bee in a hive, and no king. If there are two, both will be fighting over the position of queen of queens. His job spawn continuously for mengebangbiakkan new bees. Throughout his life the queen bee never leaves the nest. He only lived to spawn.
The queen bee is the only bee laying lifetime. He is laying machine to ensure the preservation of bee colonies. He lay eggs that will become worker bees, bee janta, and sometimes the queen bee. Sex Eggs determined by several things, including room, food, climate or weather, and the queen bee behavior.
2. The mating time
Experienced the queen bee mating only one time in his life, namely early maturity. Estrus period bees mostly virgin at the age of 21 days from egg cells inhabit the nest. Mating takes place when a virgin queen bees aged 23 days. It was in the spermateca (sac vagina) it contained a liquid that can receive sperm from drones. If within five days after becoming adult queen bee does not accept spermatozoa, the liquid will be solid.
At the time perkawainan, who was a virgin queen bee would choose one among hundreds of male bees are the most powerful to marry her.
3. Mating Competition
Honey bee mating season usually takes place in May, June, and July. Marriage took place very unique. Virgin queen bees are still not willing to marry drones more than one tail. Because many prospective partner, he made a flying contest. Winner drones that can fly right to marry her following her. Mating takes place in a state fly in the open air. Finished mating, they both fell to the ground.
At the time of the queen bee drones marry, regardless sperm sac and left in spermateca queen bee. Male bees die. About four hours later drones sperm sac is released, then the queen bee can fly into the air again to establish a second marriage.
After returning kesarang about 1.5 hours later drones sperm sac removed. If in spermateca his sperm are not enough, the queen bee will hold his third marriage.
The queen bee then have started laying eggs within 2-3 days after mating. New parent will spawn together dengna elderly parent in the nest, but usually not long kemudain elderly parent will disappear.
Once sperm male bees into queen bees body, sperm that can fertilize an egg so much for years for the queen is still alive. This can happen because the sperm cells drones are millions of numbers stored in a tool bag contained at the end of the fallopian queen bee. Through the egg would be fertilized, the sperm sac. Later, the eggs will hatch into females loebah perfect (future queen bee) and the females are not perfect (the prospective worker bees). Eggs that are not fertilized will hatch into drones. Sex determination is the amount of space actually dipengeruhi by hatching (cell nests), available feed, the attitude and the nature of the queen bee, the climate, the fertilization with sperm.
Not necessarily during the fly-breeding queen bees obtain high fertility, especially if he is only a little collecting spermatozoa. If it can not lay many eggs, he failed as a good queen.
4. Life In The Nest
After mating, the queen bee will stay for life in the nest, having gnagguan unless damaged or disturbed the nest of other beings. If it remain fertile throughout their lives and be able to spawn any prospective bee sex, queen bees are considered successful. If spermatozoa in egg sac out, it produces eggs male bees alone. This happens when the queen bee has old or young queen bee in her marriage failed.
5. Productive egg-laying
Egg production may reach 1,500-2,000 eggs a day. This means that every 50 seconds bee queen produces an egg. Achievement in order to survive spawning, it requires high-quality proteins of worker bees. If less feed, egg production was reduced as well.
Queen bees produce two kinds of eggs, fertile eggs that produce the worker bees and the queen bee, and infertile eggs that produce drones. Both types of eggs it seems the same. The resulting eggs are eggs most prospective worker bees. Eggs candidate drones produced at the beginning of the spawning season and move ahead in limited quantities.
Prospective worker bee eggs laid in cells smaller than egg cells separately candidate drones. Cells which produce the male bee larvae have more concave hood candles and deeper than the female bee larvae cells.
Three days after placed in the cell, the eggs hatch into larvae. The larvae do not have wings or legs, and looks like a caterpillar. Feed so much so that it grows quickly. In a short time his body has filled the cell.
By the time the larvae enter the pupal phase, the worker bees close the cell door shut. In it remarkable change is happening. Pupal body shape changes little by little. Wings and legs start to grow. Once the process is complete metamorphosis, adult bees emerge from pupae in the form of the bee has been perfect.
6. Prospective egg queen
Prospective queen larvae raised in a special cell-dependent down perpendicular to the direction of the nest. Queen bee larvae are born in situ given special attention and special feed from worker bees, which is always packed with royal jelly or dairy queen. Larvae were reared to replace the queen who died or stopped laying eggs, or no colonies ready to continue the descent to fly in groups so that the new queen is needed to replace the queen left suspended.
7. Age Very High
Scarlet queen bee. Her figure beautifully. He was able to live thirty times longer than worker bees. His life lasts 3-7 years to produce eggs about one million eggs. Third year spawning ability starts to decline. If it appears the new queen bee, queen bee is split off and form a new colony.
Day and night around the queen bee nest for empty cells. When you get a blank cell, curved stomach into the cell, then rotate a little, he would lay an egg on top of the basic cell. Eggs attached to the base of the cell as well.
Both the poor colony depends on the queen because she is the only bee in the hive together with other members. The queen bee is sterile (not terkawini), his life did not last long.
Queen bee queen bee will be replaced with a new one if it is not able to spawn or die. It could also be the new queen bee who is an adult (married) soon broke away from the old queen bee to form new colonies elsewhere to take part nester consisting of drones and worker bees.

Honey Bee Apis unicolor

Honey bee Apis Apis unicolor or adansonii is widespread in Africa, and the Sahara Desert in the north to South Africa in the Peninsula, and from the West Coast of Africa to the East Coast of Africa. Honeybees can be grown well in Africa.Results are very good honey. In terms of numbers, the result is much more than the European honey bee produced. However, its very aggressive, harder to maintain, very hard, and likes to maintain the nest.
1956 African honeybees put into Brazil with the aim bred with European honey bees. By accident, the fertilized queen bees apart with his workers, so the breed into wild colonies. Now the African honey bees in Brazil has grown to be the bees 'killer'. Animal and human victims.African honey bees can be divided into four subspecies.
1. Unicolor apis fasciata
The honey bees are in Egypt. Body reddish yellow ribbon. Part puffy and shiny fur like silver.
2. Apis unicolor fresei
The honey bees are in the high mountain regions of Africa. It was black.
3. Apis unicolor intermissa
The honey bees are in Tunisia, Malta, and North Africa. Also bred in South Africa. It was black with ribbon and feathers gray gembungnya
4. Apis unicolor unicolor
The honey bees are in Madagascar. The color is black with no stripes. Its fur is gray
E. Apis Florea
This bee is a honey bee species of the genus Apis are small in size. 0.9 cm in length. Life habitats in the brackish areas. Colonies make a nest of your palm. Results a little honey and candles. One colony was only able to build a nest strokes is about 10 cm2 were hanging in the branches of a tree. Results 61-200 grams of honey per hive.The honey bees serve as pollinators small flowers.
F. Apis koschevnikovi
This little honey bee Apis indica similar. Wild life in Borneo. This bee has not been cultivated.
G. Apis andrenofromis
This little honey bee Apis Florea similar. Wild life and can not be cultivated due to the open nature of life takes place. Economically, the results do not mean honey.
H. Melipona thoracica
This small insect commonly called wasp resin. 0.7-0.8 cm in length. Wide expanse of wings about 2 cm. Her body was covered in black short hair. Upper surface brown toraksnya. Thin dreamy brown wings.
The bees make their nests in the holes existing in nature, such as wood holes, trees, rock crevice, and the hole wall.
Life form small colonies. Per colony consisting of tens to hundreds of individuals. The nest is made of resin. Wall in a den lined with black wax. In the nest room stored honey brown very penetrating odor.
Very widely spread in the tropics. Very useful role as insect pollination of fruits, palm, and other flowering trees.

I. Trigona sp.
In the local language of bees is called klanceng or bells (Java), teuweul (Sunda), gala-gala or bees wax. Size is very small. Function as pollinators little flowers.
This insect makes nest in tree holes, cracks in the walls, and bamboo hole in the house. Residence of a dark hole. Available to place in and out of a small hole 1 cm long gluten-protected. Place of residence is made up of several parts. Each section is used to store honey, pollen stores, spawning, and where its larvae. In the middle there are the essays ball containing eggs, larvae, and pupae. In the corner there is a little balls blackish to store honey and pollen.
In addition to looking for nectar and pollen, the bees love to take the sap of trees (especially from logging scars) to cover the gap nest.
Worker bees are black, big-headed and sharp jaws to bite if disturbed enemy. The queen bee is very large belly and short winged. 3-4 times the size of a worker bee. Nature did not want to move where as very overweight and not very good at flying. They only moved when the nest was too old and ugly or candles too hard. Emigration to the place just nearby.
The bees produce honey and wax. The amount of honey produced little, sour taste, and is often used to cure canker sores. The candle is used to membantik. Known as klanceng night.This bee has a sting, not too fierce.

Honey bee Apis mellifera

The honey bee originated in sub-tropical regions, namely Europe. The size is 11/4 times larger than the tropical honey bee Apis indica, the queen bee length about 1.9 cm, about 1.65 cm drones, and worker bees around 1.35 cm. The honey bee has a wingspan of 0.8 to 0.95 cm and 0.55 to 0.71 cm long proboscis.Characteristic of this is the European honey bee has a yellow band at the back of the abdomen (abdominal cavity that contains the digestive tract). Abdomen 6th without 'tomentum'. Body color varies from dark brown to dark yellow. Nature impatient and always keep the nest to keep them clean. High honey production.European honey bees of this long-domesticated and cultivated people. Now, beekeeping has grown almost all over the world, especially in the United States, South America, and Australia.Naturally, the honey bee Apis mellifera can be divided into five subspecies.1. Apis mellifera ligustaHoneybees are commonly known Italian honeybees. The honey bee has a yellow belt in the first segment, second, and ketinga. Wing length from 0.8 to 0.95 cm. Stroked from 0.55 to 0.71 cm long. Abdomen 6th without 'tomentum'. Body color varies from dark brown to dark yellow. Her hair color red. Color yellow-brown red queen bee. Colored drones younger, are highly active. This bee is not easy to move, as long as the room is quite spacious den.Bees are very popular in Europe, America, and Australia as farmed honey bees. Results honey high, reaching 30-60 kg per year. If farmed in areas rich with food resources, the honey bee is able to produce 200 kg of honey per colony per year.10000-100000 per colony consists of bees, which consists of one queen bee, drones 200-300 tail, and the rest of the worker bees.The economic value of young bees is very high. Results that can be obtained include honey, royal jelly, propolis, bee venom, wax, and pollen.Generally, the domesticated honeybee hive framed by people who can be lifted and moved. Honeybees into Indonesia as a farmed honeybees imported from Australia.The role of the honey bee as insect pollinator flower is very large, so it can be relied upon as a natural flower pollinators to increase agricultural production and plantation.2. Apis mellifera CorniolaKarniola honey bee is black with colored rings on her stomach. Hair color is rather young belly. The bees are good honey producers in the United States, but its easy to move. Development in Indonesia has been tried by KUD Batu in Malang, East Java.3. Apis mellifera CaucasiaThe Caucasian honey bee dark. Delicate nature. Some of them are yellow orange in the abdomen. In Indonesia, the honeybee has been tried by KUD development in Batu Malang, East Java.4. Apis mellifera lehzeniThis Scandinavian honeybees are in northern Germany. Green body with a yellow or orange variation on his stomach.5. Apis mellifera mellifeaThe Dutch honey bees are in the Netherlands and France. Production of honey being. Dark body color. In France, many bees produce honey but hardly controlled. In the Netherlands has a strong tendency to move.


In the local language or Apis bee Apis cerana indica called laler wasps, honey bees, or wasps downloads (Java), nyiruan (Sunda), honey holes (Palembang), bee flies, honeybees. Bees can be bred simply by glodok or modern in stup (bee box). Nesting wild bees that live in the crevices of rocks or in caves.Characteristic of the honey bee is easily bred in the box and do not like rude gestures. If not in a tight squeeze, these bees will not sting. Bee sting because the sting left behind to die. If exposed to shocks or suspicious movements, the bees quickly creeping looking darker place nd concave.This bee is quite prolific, so many villagers maintained by traditional forest uses Mudskipper from coconut trunk or cottonwoods. The result is a honey and bee larvae. Bee larvae eaten for side dishes. Honey squeezed straight from the hive, and then stored in bottles.Perum Perhutani has pioneered the cultivation of local honey bees from the traditional system dengna result colony 0.35 kg per year into a modern system with the results of 5 kg per colony per year since 1974.Per colony of bees consists of several hundred head loebah male, 20,000-40,000 worker bees and one queen bee.Male bees and stingless assed blunt. Black body color. 1.3 cm in length. His duty to marry the queen bee.Worker bees and stingless assed pointy. Black body color with yellow strip. 1.1 cm in length. depending on the level of his age, from young to old, as nurses, liaison in the hive, hive guard, pioneer or a search result feed (flowers), feed search, and the nests. Based on observations in India, in collecting fodder, bee is only a distance of 600-700 m from the nest. Activities stopped after 15.00.Long-bodied queen bee and a big, pointy and stingless assed, gray to black. 1.5 cm in length. This bee is a female bee is perfect. His job spawn. After mating once, immediately entered kesarang and spawn life. The bees will not come out again if you do not feel terngganggu or in the new hive queen has not yet appeared. (See Table 1)
Table 1. The life cycle of the honey bee Apis Indica

 Source: Perum Perhutani, 1975

Bee Apis indica is naturally the most widely spread in the world. He tersebat in South Asia (India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka) and Southeast Asia (Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines), next to China and Japan.
This bee has long been maintained in areas with many plants coconut, palm honey resulting in excellent quality. Lilinya night or so it takes people to make batik.
The honey bees in India can be divided into two subspecies, namely Apis indica gandhiana who live in the high mountain areas and Apis indica indica living in low-lying areas. Who live in the lowlands can be divided into two varieties, namely Apis indica indica Pironi somewhat blackish colored, and Apis indica indica pisea black.
In China and Japan there Apis indica subspecies sinensis.


Honey bee Apis dorsata in local language called wasp gung (Java), odeng (Sunda), honey beehive (Palembang). In Indonesian called forest bee or giant bee. The dense rainforest bees as wild honeybees. Until now there has never been successfully bred in stup. Honey and wax they produce the best product. Honey, more watery than regular honey bees.If disturbed, the bees will attack the enemy in berkawanan. Wild and fierce nature.Worker bees body length was 1.9 cm.The bees make a great home that consists of a collection of nests. The colony consists of a nest strokes are very large in size. Nest shape is very unique because it is not a strokes-strokes but a unity that was built dialam open. Nest was also protected from rain and hot sun. Inhabitants of a colony of bees that get millions of tail number. The nest is built on a branch or branched-large tree branch, like a deflated, jelutung, pudak water, or on the walls of the cliff. Upper nest is used to store honey. About 10 cm thick. The bottom of the nest used to incubate eggs. About 4 cm thick.In areas with many available feed bees (nectar and pollen), the tree can be populated forest bee colonies 5-10. The amount of built nests can reach 1 m2.Giant bee honey bee Apis dorsata is the most productive. One comb nests can save as much as 10-20 kg of honey. If large colonies, the result can be up to 30 kg of honey per hive. This is also the type of bees beeswax highest producer. Production reached 3-4 kg per colony. The collection can take place twice a year.Apis dorsata are spread in Asia. In Indonesia, spread almost all over the archipelago, except in Exposure Sahul. The amount is estimated to be about 30,000 colonies. In Sulawesi, there are subspecies Apis dorsata binghami. The most famous is a good outcome honey derived from Sumbawa, followed by that of Kalimantan, Sulawesi, Sumatra, and Java.


As social insects, bees can be divided into two kinds, namely a solitary life and live in colonies. Who live more solitary species that colonize than dengna. Bee bee colonies are living together in a large group and form a community. Each of its members can not be separated and the other members.

Including honey bees live in colonies of social insects. Each bee has a specific task that is essential for the survival of the colony. In a hive, the colony consists of three members of the bee community, the queen bee, drones hundreds, and thousands of worker bees.
Classification of social bees as follows.
                            Phylum      : Artbropoda (Star jointed)
                            Subphyllum: Mandibulata
                            Klas           : insects (Insects)
                            Subclasses : Pterygota
                            Order        : Hymenoptera
                            Suborder   : Clistogastra
                            Superfamily: Apoidea
Family: 1. Bombidae (regular Bees)
           2. Meliponidae (bee honey without the sting)
           3. Apidae (honey bees)

Bombidae family is not so important as producers of honey because too little honey. However, it is very important insects as pollinators of plants.
Family Melinoponidae not including stingless bee species. Its role as a producer of honey is also not that important because little honey production.
Apoidea family is kind of true honey-producing bees. The most important as a producer as producing honey and wax are honey bees of the genus Apis. The most important species of farmed or harvested honey is the result of honey bee Apis mellifera from Europe, Apis Apis unicolor adonsonii or from Africa, Apis dorsata or Apis indica from Asia


Nearly spherical shape bees chest and hard. Composed of four segments are joined closely. The first segment or the very front protborax called, is where the first leg berpangkalnya. The second segment is called mesotborax, and the biggest part berpangkalnya front wings and the middle pair of legs. The third segment is called metatborax narrow shape, a pair of rear wing berpangkalnya place and a pair of rear legs. The fourth segment called propedeum, does not have any extras.
Bee-legged three pairs or six pieces. Feet and face have a shin legokan, which serves to manipulate the work of a specific nature. Kakai middle has thorns. The hind legs are longer than the other leg and filled with feathers. Has a pair of toe nails that are soft and wattle to hold or perch on a slippery surface stuff.
The hind legs are used to scavenge pollen on a flower. Dibulat-rounded pollen with nectar plainly put on the back foot. Time taking pollen, bee legs touching the flower buds, so some powder stuck to the bee left foot and attached there. The growing pollen and pistil into the pole, resulting in persarian interest.
All legs of bees consists of six segments which are connected by joints. The first and second segments short, third segment penjang and small, have an additional fourth raus according to function, fifth and sixth vertebra called the tarsus.
At the end of the section there is a stinger, but it did not have drones. Bee sting is an altered form of the egg conveyor. Originally a tool for laying eggs, then turned into a tool for piercing and can put on the victim.
If a bee stings, stomach ends bent downward. With style stab, sting inserted into the target. End bent like a bee sting hook end. Soon after the sting, bee stings will die along with gloves and bags usually lags when pulled out.
Bee digestive tract starts from mouth, then runs through the neck, chest, and ends at the end of the bloat. Inside the bag there gembungnya honey, stomach, and intestines. Digestion results taken directly by the blood to be distributed to all body tissues. Clear blood.
Reproductive male bees consists of a pair of testes are located on the right side and left bloat. Reproductive queen bee fully developed, consists of two large ovaries containing apple shaped ovariola closed.Bees body filled with meat veins regular arrangement. Soft flesh

Anatomy of Bees Head Triangle

Bee head resembles a triangle. A single eye vision tools and compound eyes. Single eye of three pieces, located at the top of the head, and used to see objects that are within close range of about 1-2 cm. Compound eyes are located on both sides of the head, used to see objects in the distance up to 140 m. Compound eyes drones greater shape and have perfect eyesight more than the worker bees eye. However, most small compound eyes owned by the queen bee.In addition to be able to see close objects and distant, bees could also distinguish light and dark. Distinguish dengna hole that is not a hole somewhere, though not able to distinguish its form, can also be performed.Mistaken for bees first color blind. Based on experiments von Frisch is known that bees can see four colors, namely ultra-violet, blue, green, and yellow. This was justified by A. Khun in 1927, who proved that bees can see colors that has a wavelength of between 300 to 650 milimicron milimicron. On the basis of these properties, preferably breeders nest laid side by side. Nest boxes should be painted wearing blue, yellow, black, white.Bees have two pairs of wings. A pair of front wing is larger than the rear wing. When flying, small wings that met its end as if into one and produce a buzzing sound. Hum it appears because the friction of two small wings.If the wing moves down, the edge of the wing next to the front moves forward and down. If the wing moves up, the parts move in opposite directions. Such a mechanism causes the rate of bees to fly forward. His movement was governed by the chest muscle. If the chest muscles stretched down the wing inflates upwards. If the chest muscle is pulled up, the wings move downwards.Wing drones in size compared to most of the other bees wings. Wings that could cover the entire gembungnya. Great wings was important to fly fast and chase a virgin queen bee when dancing in the air invites honeymooners.C. Eightfold bloat-segmentBelly bee grubs or larvae have ten sections, but in the growth of one segment turned into a chest. On the worker bees, the first six segments visible in gembungnya. Three sections reduced side so invisible scars. In contrast, the drones, the first seven segments clearly visible in gembungnya. Two side sections reduced, invisible scars.Each section consists of duag abdominal section. The upper part is called back, and the bottom of the smaller named sternum. Edges of the two parts are mutually close to each other, and connected dengna thin membrane that folds so that the stomach can be devel-kempiskan to the longitudinal direction and medatar. It is clearly seen when the bees are breathing deeply.Next to the chest vertebrae third, fourth, and fifth glands of worker bees are bees wax. Wax removed in the liquid state, then coagulated into small pieces.At the top, on the back of last segment there are gland odors. To remove the bolt, bees have to lift the abdomen and fanned with wings. It is important to observe that the queen bee fly soar upward while leaving the nest will hold a marriage.Bees have antennae or tentacles that originate at the center of the head. The antenna consists of sections that easily moved. The antenna consists of eleven worker bees and drones segment consists of twelve sections. This antenna is a tentacle and flavorings to chemical stimuli. In addition to the sweet taste, bees can feel too salty, sour, and bitter. To taste sweet, bees are very sensitive. It is clearly seen when the bees visit flowers of high sugar content.Juag bee olfactory organ located at the end antenaa, and is limited only till the eighth segment. This senses besides instrumental in search of food, is also very useful in defense colony. Bees can learn the enemy with intermediaries smell. All the bees in a colony have the same smell.Mouth bees have a strong jaw. The jaw can be seen clearly from the front dengna. In the mouth there is a tongue-shaped channel filled with soft and hard bristles, which is used to suck the honey contained in the flowers. Honey will gently pulled the feathers into the tube so that it flows upward, into the mouth.There is also a bee in the head salivary glands and the glands that produce nectar feeding. Dihunbungkan head by the neck with a small chest containing a salivary gland duct throat and chest