Bee head resembles a triangle. A single eye vision tools and compound eyes. Single
eye of three pieces, located at the top of the head, and used to see
objects that are within close range of about 1-2 cm. Compound eyes are located on both sides of the head, used to see objects in the distance up to 140 m. Compound eyes drones greater shape and have perfect eyesight more than the worker bees eye. However, most small compound eyes owned by the queen bee.In addition to be able to see close objects and distant, bees could also distinguish light and dark. Distinguish dengna hole that is not a hole somewhere, though not able to distinguish its form, can also be performed.Mistaken for bees first color blind. Based on experiments von Frisch is known that bees can see four colors, namely ultra-violet, blue, green, and yellow. This was justified by A. Khun in 1927, who proved that bees can see colors that has a wavelength of between 300 to 650 milimicron milimicron. On the basis of these properties, preferably breeders nest laid side by side. Nest boxes should be painted wearing blue, yellow, black, white.Bees have two pairs of wings. A pair of front wing is larger than the rear wing. When flying, small wings that met its end as if into one and produce a buzzing sound. Hum it appears because the friction of two small wings.If the wing moves down, the edge of the wing next to the front moves forward and down. If the wing moves up, the parts move in opposite directions. Such a mechanism causes the rate of bees to fly forward. His movement was governed by the chest muscle. If the chest muscles stretched down the wing inflates upwards. If the chest muscle is pulled up, the wings move downwards.Wing drones in size compared to most of the other bees wings. Wings that could cover the entire gembungnya. Great wings was important to fly fast and chase a virgin queen bee when dancing in the air invites honeymooners.C. Eightfold bloat-segmentBelly bee grubs or larvae have ten sections, but in the growth of one segment turned into a chest. On the worker bees, the first six segments visible in gembungnya. Three sections reduced side so invisible scars. In contrast, the drones, the first seven segments clearly visible in gembungnya. Two side sections reduced, invisible scars.Each section consists of duag abdominal section. The upper part is called back, and the bottom of the smaller named sternum. Edges
of the two parts are mutually close to each other, and connected dengna
thin membrane that folds so that the stomach can be devel-kempiskan to
the longitudinal direction and medatar. It is clearly seen when the bees are breathing deeply.Next to the chest vertebrae third, fourth, and fifth glands of worker bees are bees wax. Wax removed in the liquid state, then coagulated into small pieces.At the top, on the back of last segment there are gland odors. To remove the bolt, bees have to lift the abdomen and fanned with wings. It is important to observe that the queen bee fly soar upward while leaving the nest will hold a marriage.Bees have antennae or tentacles that originate at the center of the head. The antenna consists of sections that easily moved. The antenna consists of eleven worker bees and drones segment consists of twelve sections. This antenna is a tentacle and flavorings to chemical stimuli. In addition to the sweet taste, bees can feel too salty, sour, and bitter. To taste sweet, bees are very sensitive. It is clearly seen when the bees visit flowers of high sugar content.Juag bee olfactory organ located at the end antenaa, and is limited only till the eighth segment. This senses besides instrumental in search of food, is also very useful in defense colony. Bees can learn the enemy with intermediaries smell. All the bees in a colony have the same smell.Mouth bees have a strong jaw. The jaw can be seen clearly from the front dengna. In
the mouth there is a tongue-shaped channel filled with soft and hard
bristles, which is used to suck the honey contained in the flowers. Honey will gently pulled the feathers into the tube so that it flows upward, into the mouth.There is also a bee in the head salivary glands and the glands that produce nectar feeding. Dihunbungkan head by the neck with a small chest containing a salivary gland duct throat and chest

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